5 things every website needs

5 things every website needs

First impressions count – and the appearance and functionality of your website can make all the difference in turning visitors into leads, and eventually into clients.

Making the most of your website starts with taking the time to ensure your copy and content is on point with your target client; but creating a homepage that’s visually appealing and talks to your customer is only the beginning of the story. Your site also needs to be easy to navigate, guide visitors in the right direction, and give them what they need to engage with you.

Here are 5 things every website needs to make sure that first impression counts:

  1. A clear headline & sub headline: As soon as someone lands on your site, you want it to be easy for them to know what you do and how you can help them. Use a “sub headline” to prove a simple and succinct summary of your product/service that hones in on your customers pain point.

  2. A visually appealing graphic/image/animation: Many of us are visual learners and react to emotive imagery. Utilise imagery or video that visually represents your product / services and captures emotion.

  3. Structured copy and easy navigation: It’s important to spend time thinking about how you want people to interact with your site, and structure your content in a way that develops trust and guides them to take action. Provide information on features and benefits before social proof, and round things out with a clear call to action. Your site navigation should mirror this journey and be clear and easy to follow.

  4. A call to action and/or content offer: Your website is designed to encourage people to dig deeper and move further down your sales funnel. Use clear calls to action (CTAs) to guide them to the most relevant and important content; provide valuable gated content (e.g. a downloadable checklist) to capture leads.

  5. An easy way to contact you: That last thing you want is to lose a customer because they couldn’t contact you. Utilise your site header and footer to include email/phone links and links to your connected social accounts; and have a contact page or form easily accessible in your navigation.

How many of these points can your website tick off on?

It’s important to remember that these key elements are just the beginning to ensuring that your website connects, engages, and inspires people into action, which is why it's so important to regularly review, refine, and update the story it tells.

If you want to learn how you could better tell your brand story and build your business using your website, register for your complimentary strategic website review here.       

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